
      I've been wanting to do discuss this topic for a while now but I've been busy with other things. The topic is stress and I also want to address priorities along with it. The obvious first question to address is what is stress? Stress according to the dictionary a mental, physical, or emotional strain or tension. From my experience, and I'm sure it's true, stress is usually caused by an event or by tasks. In other words, something has to cause stress.
      Generally the people who have the most stress in their lives are people who are busy. These people have stressful jobs, people, or schoolwork in their lives. They seem to always be burdened by something in their lives, and sometimes I wonder if they ever relax (which is very important). Also, these people seem to always be doing something, and if they aren't, they are worrying about something that needs to be done. Sometimes this is caused by an overload of work in their lives, but I don' think that is the only reason they are stressed.
      What I didn't mention before is that stress has another meaning, which is to emphasize or accentuate. While these definitions may have not been meant to be linked, I think they are. When people stress (emphasize) the things they have to do, the feel stressed (tension). If you are overly concerned about doing work or doing well in what you are doing, you will start to feel stress. By the way, stress is not very good for you.
      Why does this matter? I believe that we stress things in life that, to be frank, don't really matter. You may argue that your job gets you money and school will get you a job, but you know what you are saying? You are saying that you are okay placing a great amount of stress and emphasis on living a comfortable life. Living a comfortable life is a very high priority in your life if you get overly stressed about school, work or whatever. If becoming a "successful" person is your top priority, well then maybe you shouldn't be reading this post. No one can help you get less stressed unless you decide to change your priorities.
      Honestly, changing priorities in life is not easy at all. I have wanted to change my priorities for a very long time, and I still struggle to prioritizing my life. I usually try not to get too stressed over the "busyness" of my life, but things still consume my time, effort, thoughts, and attention. Why do I feel like schoolwork or jobs should not be a top priority in life? These things eventually will become what you place your hope in, whether you like it or not. I don't want to place my hope in something that cannot last. I don't want to place my hope in something that cannot save me. That is why I want to change the priorities in my life. I want to place stress on something that I know will not fail my desires and hopes. What will you make your top priority?


  1. haha I was wondering who was Smart this whole time. Why do you sign your posts with that?

  2. Whoa, I totally did not see this post until now, haha.

    Good reminder to not worry.


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