-Genesis 12:3b
This fall semester we've been studying different Old Testament characters in light of Jesus. In other words, we are seeing how these characters in the Bible point to who Jesus is. We've called the series "Shadows", because although the characters point to Jesus, they were only a shadow of who He is. Last week we studied Abraham and how he shadows Jesus. I believe there are many things we could have discussed, but we focused on three things. Today I just want to focus on two of them; Abraham's covenant with God, and Abraham's obedience to God.
Now, if you recall, I actually gave a message about Abraham a couple months ago. I'll try not to cover too much of what I already talked about before. In Genesis 12, God tells Abraham to leave his hometown and to go a land that God will show him. God also promises to bless him, and to make him a blessing to "all peoples on earth". Abraham listens to God, and leaves his hometown.
Abraham's life was not perfect though. He was put through many trials, which caused him to fall back to his own will. He pretended that his wife was his sister to avoid being put to death, rather than trusting in God- twice. He slept with his wife's maidservant to produce a son, rather than waiting on God's time. Despite his failures, God never withdrew His promise to Abraham. Abraham learned to trust God, and put his faith in Him. God grants Abraham a son, named Isaac. Abraham was very old at this age, so it would be natural for him to hold onto Isaac, and take life easy. However, God tells Abraham to do something quite drastic.
In Genesis 22, God tells Abraham to sacrifice Isaac. Now, if I am Abraham, I would question God, and probably get angry at Him. Why would He grant Abraham a son, just to kill him? Despite the craziness of God's command, Abraham obeys. Abraham doesn't even delay, he gets up early the next morning to obey God. He takes Isaac up to a mountain, and is prepared to sacrifice Isaac. Right before he strikes, God stops Abraham, and yet again gives a promise to Abraham.
Jesus was actually the fulfillment of the covenant God made with Abraham. Similarly to Abraham, Jesus leaves His home in heaven, and comes down to earth. Unlike Abraham, Jesus lives a perfect life, never giving in to temptations or trials. He lived in obedience to God's will, even to death on a cross. Through Jesus' death and resurrection, all peoples on earth can be called the children of Abraham if they believe in Jesus Christ. All people are blessed through through sacrifice of Jesus.
When Isaac and Abraham are going up to the mountain where Isaac was going to be sacrificed, Isaac asks a very natural question. "The fire and wood are here, but where is the lamb for the burnt offering (Genesis 22:7)"? Abraham gives one of the most amazing answers I have heard, saying "God Himself will provide the lamb for the burnt offering (Genesis 22:8)". While you could argue that Abraham was dodging the issue a little bit (which I agree with), Abraham's answer to Isaac is quite prophetic. Not only did God provide Abraham with a ram to sacrifice instead of Isaac, He also provided the Lamb of God, Jesus.
As usual, I will pose a couple questions that will hopefully help us think more deeply about what I've discussed.
- What is hindering me from obeying God's will in my life? How can I be more obedient to God like Abraham and Jesus?
- Am I willing to put God above anything else in my life, even if it means the thing I hold most dear? Do I trust that God is faithful and good?
- Do I believe that Jesus is the fulfillment God's covenant with Abraham, and through Him I can receive eternal life?
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