"Be perfect, therefore, as your Heavenly Father is perfect."
-Matthew 5:48
I've recently been thinking about the idea of perfection. People often say things like "this burger is perfect", or "this weather is perfect". Can anything really be perfect though? Isn't it interesting that we all have an idea of perfection, but nothing we know is perfect? For example, I have a notion of what a perfect person is. I strive to be that perfect person, but I know that I'll never be perfect. I also know that no one is that perfect person. If no one is perfect, then how can I know what a perfect person is? Where does my idea of perfection come from?
I argue a lot that everyone has innate desires and knowledge. For example, everyone has a desire for pleasure and fulfillment. People naturally have knowledge of what is right and wrong. Of course, we all are affected by sin, so our ability to judge right and wrong is skewed. However, we all have some notion of right and wrong. All of these desires and knowledge come from our Creator, God. Our desire for pleasure and fulfillment arise from our longing to be with our Father. Our knowledge of right and wrong arise because we are created in the image of God.
I believe that our idea of perfection also comes from God. I said earlier that no one is perfect, but I left out one significant person- Jesus Christ. Jesus was a perfect gift from the Father, and He lived a perfect life as a perfect man. What if when we think about what perfection looks like in a person, we are thinking about Jesus? What if all our thoughts on perfection are thoughts about God? It makes sense, doesn't it? We are created in God's image, so we desire to be with the Father and to be like Him. Our ideas of perfection are actually reflections of our idea of God. When you look for perfection, maybe you are really looking for God.
Reminds me of Plato's Cave allegory