11 Random Facts

      So recently a lot of people whose blogs I follow have been doing this thing called a Liebster. What is a Liebster? It's some award where a blogger writes eleven facts about themselves, then answers eleven questions someone poses to them. I was considering not doing it, but I decided since most of my posts are not really about me too much, this would be a good way to share more about me. Here are my 11 facts:

  1. Batman is my favorite superhero, but he wasn't always my favorite. Before I didn't really have a favorite superhero, but after seeing "The Dark Knight" a second time and playing the video game "Arkham Asylum" I decided Batman was definitely the best superhero.
  2. I get obsessed with things for a while, then I eventually stop caring about it. For example, I used to skateboard a lot, but now I hardly ever skate. Right now I would say I'm obsessed with basketball.
  3. I started this blog near the beginning of my senior year of high school when I had a lot of questions about my life, but then I realized I could use it to fulfill an English project I got, so I decided to keep it going. I keep blogging now because I enjoy reading what others have to say and I hope to encourage people (and hopefully myself in the future).
  4. I am very different when I play sports with people I know and with people I don't know. When I play with people I don't know, I almost never talk and I play really hard. When I play with people I do know, I talk a lot and I don't play as hard.
  5. I try my best to always wear a watch because I get really bothered when I don't know what time it is. I also don't like having to check my phone to see what time it is.
  6. While I am a pretty disorganized person, I still try to know where everything is. I try to keep my room clean enough so I can still find things and it is livable. Also, when I have to give a speech or lead a discussion, no matter how informal, I always over-prepare for it because I have to have things organized.
  7. I really like to follow routines and patterns, which is why most of my blog posts follow the same format. They usually start with a verse, then end with "-smart"
  8. Speaking of which, saying "smart" was a joke that I stole from a Youtube channel called EpicMealTime. Whenever they would make something really stupid, they would call it smart. Now I just write to keep my pattern. Also, in my senior year book I wrote "smart" as my "where do you see yourself in ten years" and my nickname.
  9. I don't like pets because they usually stink and you have to take care of them. I'm sure my parents feel the same way because we never had any large pets (like a cat or dog), and they already have to take care of me and my brothers. We haven't had any pets in a long time.
  10. When I was younger I used to imagine what it would be like to have superpowers. As I got older, I imagined (and sometimes still imagine) what it would take to be a superhero in the real world without superpowers. This is probably a result of Batman being my favorite superhero. I guess getting older took away some of the imagination I had.
  11. I can be a very sarcastic and sometimes mean person, but I never want to hurt other people's feelings. I just try to think a little differently than most people do, and maybe even open their eyes to something they haven't realized before. For example, whenever I see people crowding around babies, I sometimes joke that I dislike babies. I don't really hate babies, but I recognize that babies can be very annoying and messy, and I wonder if other people notice or care about that. I know the parents do.
      So there are 11 random facts you may not have known about me. I will probably get around to answering the 11 questions posed by Grace sometime next week. Hopefully this shows you a little more about who I am and is a good break from all my other posts.

1 comment:

  1. yay you did it! and i did learn a lot of new things about you...so mission accomplished! :)


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