
"O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?"
-1 Corinthians 15:55
      Today is Easter, so I thought I would write about it. Similarly to Christmas, many people celebrate Easter because it's just another holiday or tradition. However, the story behind why we celebrate Easter is truly amazing and great. Easter isn't about a bunny, it's about the lamb of God. Easter is supposed to be a celebration of the resurrection of our Savior and our Lord Jesus Christ.
      The resurrection of Christ is an extremely important event. Christians believe that Christ died for our sins, and was raised on the third day. Many people remember the significance of the cross but forget the power of the resurrection. The cross is where Jesus took our sin, our shame, our guilt, our weakness, and our defeat. His death on the cross is why we no longer are under our sin. His death is what freed us from the power of sin.
      The cross of Christ is the most important event ever, but it's not only because of Jesus' death. His resurrection is just as important as His death. What if Christ was not raised after His death? If Christ was not raised, Paul said that "we are of all men most to be pitied (1 Corinthians 15:19)". Why? If Christ was not raised, death has won. Death defeated our Savior, so death then has more power than Jesus. Why would I want to follow a Savior that is dead? What hope do I have for myself after death if not even Christ defeated death?
      But because of the resurrection we can have hope. When people think of death, they usually are fearful of it. No one really knows what comes after death. People who have no hope think that after death absolutely nothing happens, which I think is extremely sad. If there is nothing after death, what is the point of living this life? Even if you live life doing whatever you want, in the end there's no reason to. Christ's resurrection gives us hope for our own resurrection.
      The Bible says that we too will be resurrected, and that we will be like Christ. However, not everyone can attain to this resurrection. John 3:16 says that "whoever believes in (Christ) will not perish but have eternal life." Only those who believe in Christ and the power of His resurrection will be resurrected with Christ. There's more than that though. Not only will we be resurrected, but we will also be changed. We won't be resurrected in this weak, physical body; we will be resurrected in a completely new and glorious body that reflects the glory of Christ Himself.  
      Therefore we should have hope for this resurrection we will have. However, Easter is a time to remember why we can have this hope for our future resurrection- Christ. Jesus Christ died on the cross for our shame, dishonor and weakness. He rose again in glory, honor and in power. Sin or death could not defeat Him, and if we believe in Him we too can someday share in His victory. We shouldn't fear death because Christ has already defeated it. "Just as we have borne the image of the earthy, we will also bear the image of the heavenly (1 Corinthians 15:49).

1 comment:

  1. "Many people remember the significance of the cross but forget the power of the resurrection."

    so true. been thinking about the resurrection a lot this weekend and you summed it up nicely in this post!


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