2014 Key Verse Testimony

"But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and in His law he meditates day and night."
-Psalm 1:2
      Last year the key verse I chose was 2 Corinthians 4:18, "So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal". 2013 was definitely my hardest academic year. I have never struggled so much in school just to keep up with others. In high school and my first semester at college, I found it easy to maintain a good academic standing, but last year I struggled. I also started becoming lazier, which doesn't help when your classes are so demanding. I began to feed my love for distraction, which consumed the bulk of my free time.
      Wasting so much of my free time not only took away from me academically, but also spiritually. My prayer life was very inconsistent, as well as my Bible reading. My goal was to finish the Old Testament, but I only got to the middle of Psalms. I've had this goal for two years. Obviously I am very disappointed that I could not even complete this relatively simple task. It's ironic that the key verse I chose for 2013 was supposed to help me avoid distractions. The reason I chose 2 Corinthians 4:18 was to shift my focus away from worldly things and start focusing on spiritual things. Looking back, I wonder how different my year would have been had I devoted my time to Christ rather than to myself.
      The past year was not a complete failure; I never like to think that way anyways. In the summer, I attended the Genesis Bible Academy, where I really learned a lot. I am thankful for all the people that prepared the Genesis Bible Studies. The International Bible Conference was a time of encouragement for me. I always feel blessed when I am with so many believers who are worshiping God together. During the fall semester, I started listening to Christian podcasts by Ravi Zacharias and Matt Chandler while waiting for the bus. I really enjoy listening to these podcasts and hearing different views on the Christian life. 
      One thing I learned and I know it's so cliche, but everything revolves around the Cross of Jesus Christ. You can argue for many different aspects of Christianity, but at the end of the day what separates Christianity from other religions is the Cross. No other person gave up their life in order to set us free from our sin. In one of the podcasts I listened to, Ravi Zacharias states "no other religion gives an answer for sin. Other religions punish you for doing evil things without giving you a way out. They also cannot explain the origin of sin. Only Christianity is able to explain sin and give us a way out (Paraphrased)". Similarly, in the book "The Cross of Christ", John Stott explains that while he does not understand why God allows evil things to happen in the world, only God did something about it. He sent Jesus who experienced our suffering and pain. He became one of us and shared in our suffering. I find that every single year I am amazed at the love of God.
      I decided to choose Psalm 1:2 as my 2014 key verse. It reads "His delight is in the law of the Lord, and in His law he meditates day and night". This is a very practical verse, yet it presents a great challenge. The verse claims that the man who delights in the Word is a blessed man. I really like the simplicity and directness of this verse. Reading the Bible is crucial in growing in my relationship with God. I often find that reading the Bible feels like a chore. However, the verse says that a righteous man delights in the Word. Many of the psalmists in Psalm 119 say that they delight in the Law of the Lord. I want my heart to be just like those psalmists. I want to delight in the Word of God just as I delight in good food.
      I also find that I read the Bible in a "one and done" fashion. I read it just to read it and then I stop thinking about it. As the verse says, I want to meditate on God's Law day and night. The Word of God is meant to be not only read, but meditated on and practiced. Although the physical Bible is not alive, the Word of God is "living and active (Hebrews 4:12)". It is "inspired by God and profitable for teaching, reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work. (2 Timothy 3:16-17)". I like how the NIV says that the Word of God is "useful". Normally you describe a book as interesting, fun, or insightful; but the Word is useful. There is power in the Word, and I pray that this year I am able to wield the "sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God (Ephesians 6:17)". 
      I said that I chose this verse because it is practical. I also stated that it presents a challenge to me. In order to read the Bible this year, I've decided to find a Bible reading plan and stick to it. I know it will be tough, because it is tough every single year, month and day. However, I pray that God would give me the strength to read His Word and put it into practice. If I find that I am able to finish reading the Word, I will just try to read it again. I once heard that people don't always need to learn, but to be reminded. I hope I am able to read my Bible everyday and keep it in my heart.
      Prayer: God, I pray that in 2014 I would delight in Your Word and meditate on it day and night. Your Word is living and active, and it is useful for many things. Help me to be "transformed by the renewing of (my) mind" through the reading of the Bible. Guide me in 2014 to be Your servant, and to preach the Word in and out of season. Most of all, I thank for the Cross of Jesus Christ. Amen.

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