In and Out of Season

"...preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great patience and instruction."
-2 Timothy 4:2
      While thinking about my new year's key verse, I had a Bible study on 2 Timothy 3-4. One verse that we focused on was 2 Timothy 4:2 (above). Paul is urging Timothy to preach the Word both in and out of season. What does this mean? A good farmer will only plant something when it is in season for that crop to maximize growth. Otherwise, the plant will not grow as well, and the farmer will have wasted his time and effort. A good farmer never continues to plant crops all the time.
      However, the good Christian is exactly the opposite. When preaching the Word, sometimes it is "in season" and the Christian sees much growth. Other times it is "out of season", and the Christian sees little to no growth. In other words, a good Christian should always be preaching the Word. Why would a Christian want to preach the Word out of season? It is because he never wastes his time or effort. Even if he does not see the fruit of his labor, God sees his efforts, and I believe that when it is "in season" God will bless his efforts and maximize his fruit.
      Lastly, how can a Christian always be preaching the Word? First of all, he has to always be reading the Word of God. No one can practice what they do not know. Secondly, he has to "pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17)". This ensures that the Christian maintains their relationship with God. Third, he has to preach with his words. This is what most people think of when they hear the word "preach", yet it is still important. Fourthly, he must preach with his life. If a person's life is not consistent with their words, no one will listen to what they say. Lastly and perhaps most importantly, he must ask God for the help of the Holy Spirit. A person cannot sustain a Christian lifestyle on their own. Relating to step two, the Christian must pray and ask God for His leading.

1 comment:

  1. "Lastly and perhaps most importantly, he must ask God for the help of the Holy Spirit." Yes!


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