Bear With One Another

"...Bearing with one another, and forgiving each other, whoever has a complaint against anyone; just as the Lord forgave you, so also should you."
-Colossians 3:13
      For whatever reason the phrase "bear with one another" has been on my mind for a couple weeks now. I don't even remember where I first saw it, but I think it was the verse of the day on Bible Gateway or something. This phrase has really been speaking to me because of my attitude towards other people. I mentioned a number of times on this blog that I tend to demand a lot from other people, whether it be in music, sports or other things. I easily get frustrated at other people when they make mistakes, or just don't do things the way I want them to do it. When I saw the phrase "bear with one another", it really challenged me to examine myself and to put these words into practice.
      I decided to look up what verse "bear with one another" comes from, finding that it comes from Colossians (see above). In the chapter Paul is talking to the Colossians about putting on a new self. He urges them to "set their minds on things above", and to become renewed in Christ. He then says that as those "chosen by God" should practice different virtues, one of which being forgiveness. Paul knew the heart of Christ as evidenced by his deeds and his words. Jesus always forgave those who didn't deserve forgiveness, and He ultimately died to forgive everyone; even though we do not deserve it. Paul urges us to set our minds on Christ, and to practice the things that Jesus practiced.
      I think the reason I like the words "bear with one another" so much is because it really speaks to my attitude. If the verse simply said "forgive one another", I don't think it would have the same impact on my heart. Forgiveness is for a sin or wrongdoing, but I don't see others as sinning against me. The phrase "bear with one another" is much more general and covers more than just a wrongdoing or sin. It implies that I must accept someone, regardless of what they do- good or bad. Often times I get frustrated at people even if they are trying their best, which is not the heart of Christ. How can I become frustrated at someone who is trying to do what is right?
      It can be difficult to simply "bear with one another". There are many aspects to people, and many times we do not like some of them. God made everyone differently, but everyone is made in the image of God, so we should treat them as such. When it's difficult to accept someone, the best way to change our attitude is to look at Christ. As Paul says earlier in the chapter, we must set out minds on things above. Jesus loved everyone, regardless of how they treated Him. He even asked God to forgive those who crucified Him (Luke 23:34). I hope that these words are able to change our attitude towards others.

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