Election 2012

"First of all, then, I urge that entreaties and prayers, petitions and thanksgivings, be made on behalf of all men, for kings and all who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity."
-1 Timothy 2:1-2
      Yesterday was the presidential election of this year. This time of year is crazy, with ads on who to choose and what ballot questions you should vote on, people talking politics constantly, and the list continues. I'm glad that the chaos of election season is finally over. President Barrack Obama has won a reelection and beat Mitt Romney. Was he the right choice? Was he at least the better choice?
      Honestly, politics is way too confusing and time consuming for me to be interested in it, so I have no idea if Obama is better suited to lead the United States. I'm sure there are many people who believe that Obama will do more for this country than Romney, and can state many reasons why. I'm also sure there are people who could do the same for Romney. What am I trying to say here? Both candidates have many great qualities and aspirations, but both also have downfalls.
      People will always argue over which candidate is better than which. That's just human nature. However, no matter how great someone is, nobody is perfect and nobody ever will be perfect. Do I believe that certain people can be better suited than others for a presidency? Well certainly, but everyone is limited by an imperfection called being human. Will the US do better with Obama than if Romney was elected? I have no clue, but it doesn't matter. The majority of people have decided to vote for Obama, so we have agreed that Obama will be president. I think what people have to accept is that by choosing Obama as president, we have not only chosen his good qualities but also his bad. We have agreed to let him lead this country, and whether he does a good job or not, we still chose him.
      Some people may feel that since they did not choose Obama, they don't need to support him. That kind of thinking is understandable, but not practical. He is our president for the next four years regardless of what we want or believe. His choices will impact our lives, whether we are Democratic or Republican. Many (if not all) people hope that Obama makes good decisions and helps The United States, which is fine. However, just hoping for something doesn't help anyone. So what can we do to help Obama? We can do what the verse at the beginning of this posts urges us to do; pray for him. We may not agree with him, or we may even hate him, but we are supposed to pray for people in authority. Why? The only way authorities on earth are established is by God's will. So when we pray for our leaders, I believe we are praying according to God's will. So take some time to pray for our leaders.

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