Thanksgiving 2016

"It’s one thing to be grateful. It’s another to give thanks. Gratitude is what you feel. Thanksgiving is what you do."
-Timothy Keller
     I know it's almost a week from Thanksgiving, but I figured I would still take time to write my thanksgiving topics. I recently read the above quote and it inspired me to not be lazy and to write these topics. Here we go:

  1. Jesus Christ. Jesus died and rose again on the Cross for my sins. Without Him I have no hope, joy, peace, or life. I thank God that He sent Jesus for me.
  2. Church. When I say church, I don't mean the building. A church building is nothing without the people in it. Being apart from my hometown church has made me realize how much I depended on them. I grew so much in my faith because of the people of the church.
  3. Family. I am blessed to have a great family. We have been through some difficult times, but for the most part, life was good because of my family. I would not be where I am today without my parents and brothers.
  4. Friends. I'm thankful for the people God has placed in my life that I have the privilege of calling friends. I am always encouraged when I meet with friends.
  5. School. I graduated college earlier this year, and I'm realizing more and more everyday how beneficial school was for me. The things I've learned and the experiences I've had help me do my job today.
  6. Work. I started working from my sophomore year of college. I've worked two jobs before starting the job I have now. I'm grateful for each of my workplaces that have not only provided me with money but great friends.
  7. Money. Yes, it is said that "money is the root of all evil". However, money is a necessity. I'm thankful that I have enough money to live and still have some to save. 
  8. Apartment. I know that I am very fortunate to have a place to live. I don't want to think for a second that I earned this apartment solely by my effort, it is a gift from God.
  9. Health. I'm not very old, but I am starting to feel that I am not the same as I was in my younger years. This makes me appreciate good health all the more. I sprained my ankle playing basketball, but I am recovering well. Thank God for my health.
  10. Music. Music does something to us that we can't explain. I'm thankful that God blessed us to have music, and increasing access to music through technology.
  11. Car. Having a car is something that I take for granted often. My car has taken me halfway across the country, and drives me to work everyday.
  12. Technology. Everyone recognizes that technology is amazing, but as an engineer I feel that I have a deeper appreciate for technology. Technology improves my life tremendously and I am grateful for that.
  13. Cooking. More specifically, my interest in cooking. I imagine that my interest in cooking will fade away sometime, but I'm thankful that I have the resources to cook meals for myself.
  14. Airplanes. This year I have ridden airplanes more than any other year of my life. Although I don't really enjoy the experience of being in a plane, I'm thankful that I have the ability to travel long distances by plane.
  15. Sports. I enjoy both playing and watching sports. I'm thankful that God has made exercise enjoyable through sports.
  16. Bed. Sleep is incredible. When I moved into a new apartment, I did not have a bed at first. The days I had to sleep without a bed were pretty miserable. I'm grateful to have a bed, even if it's just a mattress.
  17. Podcasts. I listen to sermons often on my phone when I'm exercising or working. I'm thankful that sermons are available through technology.
  18. Clothes. I feel that no explanation is needed here.
  19. Gaither Vocal Band. I had the chance to hear them in concert this year, and they are incredible. I'm grateful to have discovered them when I did.
  20. God. He is the giver of all things. Nothing I mentioned above is possible without Him. Thank you God for providing everything I need.

Election 2016 Thoughts

"Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God."
-Romans 13:1
     The 2016 United States presidential election ended early this morning. To the surprise of millions of people, including myself, Donald Trump has won the nomination. The result of the election is hard for many people to accept. Once I realized that Trump would win the nomination, I felt a mix of emotions- confusion, sadness, anxiety, and to be honest, fear. I did not expect Trump to have come as far as he did in this presidential race, and I certainly didn't expect him to win the presidential election. Today I just wanted to share some of my thoughts surrounding this election.
     This election cycle is the first one in which I was old enough to vote. I never really took a liking to politics in my life, but when I saw the way in which this election was headed, I started paying closer attention. There were over fifteen republican candidates for president, which is a large number for one party. As the presidential race continued, fewer and fewer candidates remained. Finally, every candidate withdrew from the race except for Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.
     Again, I do not have much interest in politics, and quite frankly I don't want to talk about politics here. What I do want to talk about is what I observed in this election. First, I want to talk about the media. The media has constantly criticized Donald Trump in this presidential race. News anchors, political analysts and even comedians have continually attacked Trump during his campaign. To be fair, Trump has said and done hurtful things that needed to be brought to the public's attention. However, I believe that because the media has shown so much of Trump, it helped him catch the eye of the public. I also think that the constant criticism he received actually may have helped him gain supporters who were looking to rally behind someone that went against the so-called establishment. Since the media is seen by many as something that is controlled by the elite, people were happy to support someone that was banging heads with it.
    Next, I'd like to write about Hillary Clinton. Clinton has been in office for awhile, which means that she has government experience. However, many people are unhappy with the way the government has been run in recent history. Since Clinton has been a part of that system, people saw her potential presidency as just a continuation of a government that wasn't working for them. Of course there were many other factors that made her a pretty weak presidential candidate, such as the email scandal. The perception of many that she would be unable to bring meaningful change in government is another reason Trump was able to win the presidency.
     Honestly there are many reasons that play into Trump's nomination, but the last two points were just things that I think played a huge role. Now I want to get to the point that really matters- people. This presidential race has been an extremely dividing time. Trump supporters were hungry for change in the United States. They felt that Trump could offer the change that they desperately seek. Even though Trump has time and time again attacked people because of their race, gender, or nationality, people still supported him. As much as it pains me to say this, it seems that there are many people who agree with Trump's views on these matters. I could not support Trump because he is someone who spreads fear and hatred.
     Clinton supporters and/or non-Trump supporters are absolutely shocked at the results of the election. Many of them are terrified, furious or both. They cannot believe that the people in America have voted for Trump, a man who seems to have no respect for people of other races, gender or nationality. Liberals generally have the belief that everyone should be accepted, regardless of race, class, gender, sexual preference, etc. However, what I realized in this election is that liberals actually go against what they believe, but in a way that they don't think.
     As I looked on social media earlier today, I saw countless posts from my liberal friends that say hateful things towards Trump and his supporters. They called Trump and his supporters racist, sexist, xenophobic and many other negative things. Think about that for a second. The very people who say that no one should be attacked because of who they are or what they believe are attacking people based on who they are and what they believe. Liberals argue that even if your beliefs don't match other people's beliefs, you should still accept those people. How is it that liberals say this and yet don't accept others (Trump and his supporters) because of their beliefs?
     I want to be clear in that I do not agree with many of Trump's views. I am simply stating that people cannot say that they accept everyone regardless of beliefs and yet hate Trump and those who voted for him. They are contradicting their own principles. People, whether conservative or liberal, have been hateful to others. The only difference is that conservatives direct their hatred towards people of other races, gender, and nationality, and liberals direct their hatred towards conservatives or those with conservative beliefs.
     One of the biggest failings in people is the unwillingness and/or inability to see themselves for who they really are. The Bible states that we have all sinned and fall short of God's glory (Romans 3:23). No one is perfect, and no one is free from sin. We all have the capacity to hate. That is simply the ugly truth. However, the beautiful silver lining is that Jesus has shown us that there is another way. He has shown us through the cross that we all can choose to love. The Bible teaches that some actions and beliefs are wrong, but it also teaches us that we should reach out to those who do or believe in wrong things. When Jesus died on the cross, He died for all people. He did not die for those who agreed with Him, He died for everyone. He loved everyone the same. If we can accept that we are sinners but Christ still loves us, maybe then we can reach out and love others.

Why Do We Experience Pain?

"He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has pa...