"God blessed them and said to them, 'Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.'"
-Genesis 1:28
Nearly everyone who is an adult works for a living. Work is just a part of life. There are many different occupations, but there is a common perception of work: it sucks. No matter what occupation people have, everyone seems to dislike work. Work is seen as only a way to earn money, status, or power. Since work itself is not fulfilling, people tend to have a negative view of it. With this negative view of work, many people don't give their best at work. After all, why would anyone want to put effort into something they don't like?
I personally have had this view of work in the past. My first job was a salesperson at a technology store. The pay was low, so I didn't see any reason to put much effort into my job. I never did research on the products I was selling, and I often spoke badly about customers (not when they were there). I just put the minimum amount of effort that I needed to for my work. Work was not very enjoyable, but was exhausting.
I heard a podcast from Timothy Keller where he talked about work. He pointed out something that is very interesting. If you read Genesis chapter one, you will see that the first thing God gives to man is not food, but work (see verse above). In the Garden of Eden, the place of paradise, God gives man work.
Why is that so? I believe God gives Adam work to do because he needed work to feel completely fulfilled. Paradise wouldn't be complete without work. Why is work fulfilling? Work is fulfilling because it lead us to a purpose. Everyone has a need to fulfill a purpose, and they can only reach that by working towards it. God gives us work because it leads us closer and closer to our purpose.
Right now I am waiting to begin my new job. To be honest, I feel kind of empty without work to do. I've filled my time with shopping, sleeping, and video games. However, these things don't give me a sense of fulfillment. I cannot believe that I feel this way, but I am actually looking forward to starting my new work.
As Christians, we should see our work as a gift from God. We shouldn't do our work with resentment, but with joy. Our work in one way or another is a contribution to society, and even to God's kingdom. How can we have joy in our work? Listen to Paul's words in Corinthians 10:31, "So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." Work is only tiresome and unfulfilling if we only do it for money, status or power. Work becomes joyful when we do it for God. So ask yourself, "what is my view of work, and if need be, how can I change it?"
Good post! This is good - "Work becomes joyful when we do it for God."